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Fiasco Rpg Pdf Torrent

C-R W-RS Collection Painless14/05/25(Sun)07:50Here is my collection. HOORAYS FOR GURPS STUFF Anonymous14/05/27(Tue)18:33Yay!

Much GURPS stuff has been brought to us this day! Huzzah!All that remains isGURPS Social Engineering that's 37-1667 in the catalog, to distinguish it from the other GURPS Social Engineering)GURPS Template Toolkit 1 - CharactersPyramid 3/66 - The Laws of magicPyramid 3/67 - Tools of the Trade: VillainsI'd get them myself, but that old habit of buying food ruins my game budget.

When I have had the material I've donated freely. Help a fellow addict?

Request: Fleet Action/Turning Point fleet lists14/05/28(Wed)05:14This is a long shot, I realize.Way back in the 90's, before they published BABYLON 5 WARS, Agents of Gaming put out a game called FLEET ACTION set in the TURNING POINT universe. It was an interesting game – very task force/flotilla command & control oriented.When they got the Babylon 5 license, work on FLEET ACTION seemed to stop, but they had advertised a series of early e-products that included fleet lists for the various factions in the Turning Point universe.Does anyone have these? Were they ever even released? They're still listed on the old AOG website, but it hasn't been updated in decades, and the site currently handling their properties doesn't even mention Fleet Action.I'd really like to find those fleet lists so I could play the game again.

The ship construction system in the game was neat, but I don't play often enough to make field-testing ship designs worthwhile. RE: GURPS Dave14/05/28(Wed)17:14Thanks to all the recent uploaders, you really do spoil us all.:DThanks for all those GRUMPS keeping their thoughts to themselves and not looking a veritable (free) gift horse in the mouth.;-)Thanks especially for the recent classic uploads (Motor Pool & Middle Ages 2E). Any chance GURPS WWII: Return to Honor was amongst that recent lot upped?:)And because I'm feeling particularly lucky, those perennial AWOL classic requests:)CoC Adventures in Arkham CountryD&D RPGA2 Black Opal EyeCheersDave. Various Gronard Goat14/05/28(Wed)19:36Anyone have.Operation Squad: ReinforcementsAssault Platoon World War TwoFirestorm Armada 2.0 rulebookFirestorm Armada: Marauders of the Rift7TV!: On Location7TV!: Heroes Programme Guide7TV!: Programme Guide: S.H.I.V.A.Rules of Engagement by Great Escape GamesDEAD MAN'S HAND by Great escape GamesIt Came From the Late, Late, Late Show byStellar Games, Inc.Heavy Gear Blitz! Forged in Fire; Southern Field Guidethe ever elusive. Crimson Skies: Pride of the RepublicWould also like to add.Firestorm Armada: Kurak Alliance Fleet GuideFirestorm Armada: Zenian League Fleet Guide.


14/05/29(Thu)21:13replies to 62880Those ships were always part of the Turning Point expansion. AOG originally advertised separate fleet books for each of the major powers, with more designs, history, and fleet dispositions that were supposed to be published after Turning Point. I already suspected they might not ever have been completed, but I was wondering if anyone ever saw any of the pre-release versions.Thanks for the help. It's good to know the B5 stuff is still available. A kind person on the wargames rules thread has made his copies available.

NUMENERA Beyond All Worlds Anonymous14/05/31(Sat)22:35Description:You don’t think Hell is real? That it can’t exist? That such an outmoded, antiquated concept born of superstition and fear has no place in the Ninth World? Then you are a fool.

Hell is real. And I’ve been there. Don’t believe me? I will show you the gates.A gruesome portal lies not far into the wilderness. Sometimes, those who have happened upon it swear they heard moaning, crying, and more frightening noises. Locals believe it leads to Hell itself—after all, what else could it be?

Those cast into it—criminals, murderers, and other villains—have never been seen again.What will the PCs discover when they find themselves on the portal’s other side? Please:S Question and request in case.14/06/01(Sun)14:15I am looking to master a Militar battle campaign for pathfounder setting, but i haven't got good resources, still don't know if pathfounder is the best platform, if this is the case, what RPG game do you recommend me to emulate a Militar Mass combat campaign oriented module with fantasy creatures and magic? I will really appreciate an answer.anyways, i also would like to ask for these books, if someone have them i will be forever in debt if they share them:-Ultimateh Battle by legendary gamez-Combat Description Cards for Storytellers and GMs, by Conflikt gamez. An update14/09/22(Mon)14:46I'm sure the prince will show up when he has stuff to share. Until then, have patience.Also, I have already said it before, and will say again: you want me to clean something, just send it to me. And please be a little patient.

Sometimes RL gets in the way, sometimes massively so.Having said that, there's stuff in the pipeline. Coming Soon(TM): 12 Numa books kindly donated by NthWorlder (see ). One of them is a royal bitch to clean, and the effort is more than all the other 11 combined. But it's coming through.

Also there's a treasure trove of Freeport stuff I'm putting together, since there seems to be much interest in that. Anonymous14/09/22(Mon)19:131 - For security reasons, people don't learn others to clean stuff. It's obvious why.2 - If you want to be trusted, don't post under anonymous. People will trust easily people they know as active on this thread and seem to know the job.3 - Post like 'Hey sent it to me, i searched it badly, and so' just show you want the book.

Doesn't mean you are able to clean, or you will post it back cleaned for community. There is a ton of people who just leech in the piracy world, and people don't gonna sent uncleaned stuff to anyone who just want it.On a side note, i just want to thanks people who giveaway stuff to clean, and people who dedicate time to clean. Anonymous14/09/24(Wed)19:51I know this isn't very helpful but I believe I can explain why it isn't around(if my memory serves me right).I remember these 'My RPG collection' torrents from the old demonoid, before the crash and when you punched in 'My RPG collection'(or whatever the name was) into search, it would produce a series of results which contained all the letters except 'G' on the first page followed by some other nonsensical results.

Rpg Torrent Site

The letter 'G' itself was for some reason buried on page 2 of the search results and was thus missed by a lot of people I guess. Anonymous14/09/25(Thu)20:34A huge request here.

Humble Request. CountZero14/10/06(Mon)02:06I've done some experimenting. With my gen1 iPad, the PHB and HotDQ scans don't rescale properly and end up blocky and unreadable. On my iPhone 5 they look perfectly fine. I think this has everything to do with the resolution / software on the iPad and nothing to do with the files themselves. My scan of LostMines looks perfectly fine and was done at the exact same resolution as the other two files. I suspect it may have to do with file size as it takes forever for the older iPad to process all the pages, and in fact it may clear up if you simply leave the file open long enough for it to do it's second pass.

I'm going to try other viewers, but I'm not really sure how to resolve this problem. The 'files' app doesn't actually have a zoom feature other than pinching with your fingers and all that does is zoom in the blocky text without a redraw (normally it does a redraw, so again I think this is due to the file size and it not being done processing).

$begingroup$ Piracy only rarely inhibits sales, and in a niche market like this probably doesn't effect them at all. Like with most media, most pirates would never have bought the books to begin with. It almost certainly translates into more sales.

It certainly did in my own case. I downloaded the entire D&D 4E set of books as PDFs and since then have acquired about 25 books legitimately and subscribed to DDI.

I wouldn't have taken the plunge otherwise. (also bought all of the dungeon tile sets and most of the map packs and several of the power card sets.) $endgroup$–Jan 7 '13 at 17:47. $begingroup$ I can't speak to WW specifically, but many Indie game developers have a interesting sort of mutualistic relationship with piracy - it cuts into sales certainly, but it vastly increases the exposure and potential interest in a system. I think this is honestly a more rational approach for developers - the value of a new player becoming invested in your system is worth more than the core rulebook he/she downloaded. After all this is a potential customer, and is all the more likely to actually purchase new content. $endgroup$–Jan 7 '13 at 19:29.

Fiasco Rpg

Rpg torrent site

They are publishing much less new World of Darkness than they used to during the old World of Darkness, but it's not necessarily piracy that is causing the change.They are currently owned by CCP (the company behind Eve Online) and involved in creating the World of Darkness MMO. There has been an economic slowdown in the last 5-6 years, reducing the amount of disposable income available to customers. There were also complaints about the rate of releases in the old days (At least one book per mainline per month, with at least one book from a smaller line on top).Their focus has moved away from print books to PDFs and Print on Demand.

There are arguments which suggest that this would both increase and decrease piracy (and thus revenue). On one side, it's easier for people to buy stuff as soon as they find it. On the other, creating the PDF makes it easier for people to share. The balance of these two probably favours the increase in revenue.

@Okeefe has already mentioned Onyx Path Publishing, which is comprised of former WW employees and has the license to produce both oWoD and nWoD books. They've got a full release schedule coming up, including two brand-new games and revisions of World of Darkness and Vampire: The Requiem. It's not accurate to say that they're no longer producing new work.I'd like to address the idea that piracy was the cause of the slowdown and eventual cessation of straight-up book publishing. That's not true. The primary reason why White Wolf (and CCP/na) got out of the business of putting books on shelves in stores is the broken nature of the hobby-games distribution system and the decline of brick-and-mortar bookstores and game stores. It made more financial sense to deliver product to the fans directly, and keep more of the money, than to involve middlemen who were increasingly no longer adding value to the process. It's nothing to do with piracy.

Fiasco rpg

White Wolf's focus has moved to MMOs and is less on RPGs now (like at many companies, sadly). And they are doing less print publishing and more PDF - which is always going to be less successful regardless of piracy, given that the average gamer still buys books.

If piracy was their big problem, you'd think they'd move to print and away from PDF! Not that either print or watermarking is any impediment at all to piracy (see: any torrent site).Print has wider distribution, more people buy print; if you are publishing PDF only you can expect a fraction of the sales you would in print. PDF is a great alternate channel but more of the world is offline than we give it credit for nowadays.To rebut common claims:.' Publishers make better profit with PDF' is not true. Some may - but for example Posthuman Studios at their seminar last Gen Con was asked directly 'is it better for you for me to buy your books in PDF or print' and the answer was 'we actually get a higher margin off print.' Eclipse Phase, $15 PDF $49.99 print. (Not coincidentally, there's a 70% difference between the two prices, a number often cited as how much the printing cost of a product is.) Evil Hat Games releases their numbers too and.'

Nowadays virtual sells as much as print' is also false. Looking around for publishers that are transparent with their numbers, copies.Now, for White Wolf having PDF sales makes sense especially for the 'long tail' of their huge back catalogue, where they make recurring sales at practically zero incremental cost to themselves. But it does discourage more new product generation.Chalking the reduced focus on RPGs up to piracy is the usual 'talking without any data to back it up;' usually one requires proof of an unsupported assertion rather than having to gather proof it's false. White Wolf is in fact alive and well. They are currently publishing under the banner of, a company formed by White Wolf Creative Director Rich Thomas.

They've simply moved from brick and mortar to digital and print-on-demand format. They've even been doing for high-quality deluxe versions of their new releases.

From the looks of it, all of them have been very successful.Their explains that because of a decline in traditional printing, they've moved towards digital and print-on-demand formats instead. This is not only cheaper for them, but also has benefits for consumers, and for their development process due to the flexibility of digital publishing. With print runs, they would have to guess how well the book would sell, and order a large number of copies. Any left over would simply go to waste. A large-scale print run is a very in-depth process that requires many people to coordinate well in advance. That means that books could get released before they were ready, in order to meet printing deadlines.

Digital publishing is much easier to postpone, if need be.Digital publishing is also good for the consumer. With digital publishing, all of their books can be available to anyone who wants them. With large-scale print runs, once a book print run was ordered, that was it. It was rare to see additional runs. That meant that people who wanted to buy the book later on would have a hard time. With print-on-demand, they can keep their entire catalog available indefinitely.This is also another benefit for them, because having a full library of titles in stock gives them a regular stream of income, rather than the one-time lump-sum income they would get from brick & mortar publishing. This also allows them to stay more financially stable in-between releases.

$begingroup$ They're actually different companies: Onyx Path is a separate legal entity formed by an employee who left with the intention of resurrecting dead lines by buying or licensing the IP. They are a licensee of CCP properties, and own Scion and Trinity outright. OP is not an imprint of WW's, and is not the continuation of WW; WW is still wholly-owned part of CCP and has no employees, only assets. CCP also has the power to terminate the licensing relationship with OP, at which point the independence of the companies would become (sadly) much more apparent. $endgroup$–Sep 26 '14 at 17:54.